Specializing in coaching educators to improve student achievement
The Kirkland Group was approved for the PLPG in February 2023.
The "Types of support we offer" and "Our curriculum expertise" are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.
Who we are
Types of support we offer
Rivet Ed approved
Rivet Education evaluates this information
- Adopting an ELA curriculum
- Adopting a math curriculum
- Adopting a science curriculum
- Initial implementation
- Ongoing implementation support for teachers
- Ongoing implementation support for leaders
Our curriculum expertise
Rivet Education approved
Rivet Education evaluates this information
- Into Literature (2020)
- Into Reading (2020)
- MyPerspectives (2017)
- Wit & Wisdom (2016)
- Wonders (2020)
- myView Literacy (2020)
- Eureka Math (2015)
- enVision Mathematics Common Core (2020)
Our team
51+ facilitators/coaches
Greater than 76% are non-white
Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Types of districts that we have experience working with
- Traditional District
- Charter
- Private
- Parochial
- Urban
- Rural
- Suburban
- Fewer than 2,500 students
- 2,500 to 10,000 students
- 10,000 to 50,000 students
- 50,000 to 100,000 students
- More than 100,000 students
- Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
- Greater than 20% of English language learners
- Greater than 20% of students with disability
- Greater than 80% students of color
This partner's approach and services
How we build district capacity
How we provide curriculum-aligned PL
Our professional development workshops build the capacity of teachers and leaders to raise and sustain student achievement. Delivered by our team of experienced coaches, our technical solutions feature in-depth guidance with the implementation of HQIM and best practices directly informed by research and our long-standing involvement with schools and districts.
The Kirkland Group’s instructional coaches focus on instructional planning and procedures, instructional delivery, instructional environment, assessment, and HQIM. Using information compiled from school data, and with an array of best practices, our instructional coaches customize support plans based on the individual needs of each district, school, teacher, and student.
The Kirkland Group’s consultants promote collaboration and help facilitate professional learning communities using real live videos, Author Insights, In-Class Models, and Lesson Details.
The Kirkland Group provides customized support to all administrative levels such as Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, and Lead Teachers. We work side-by-side with administrators through job-embedded professional development to build their capacity to improve learning outcomes.