Teaching Lab specializes in curriculum-based professional learning for all educators.
Teaching Lab was approved for the PLPG in February 2023.
The "Types of support we offer" and "Our curriculum expertise" are evaluated and approved by Rivet Education; all other information is self-reported. We recommend that you confirm details with each partner directly.
Who we are
Types of support we offer
Rivet Ed approved
Rivet Education evaluates this information
- Adopting an ELA curriculum
- Adopting a math curriculum
- Adopting a science curriculum
- Initial implementation
- Ongoing implementation support for teachers
- Ongoing implementation support for leaders
Our curriculum expertise
Rivet Education approved
Rivet Education evaluates this information
- Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) (2015)
- EL Education Grades 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum (Second Edition) (2019)
- EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2017)
- Engage NY ELA (2016)
- Imagine Learning EL Education K-5 Language Arts (2019)
- Imagine Learning Guidebooks 6-8 ELA (2018)
- Eureka Math (2013-2014)
- Eureka Math (2015)
- Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2019)
- Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics 9-12 (2019)
- Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics K-5 Math (2021)
- Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2019)
- Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics K-5 (2021)
- Kendall Hunt's Illustrative Mathematics Traditional (2019)
- McGraw-Hill Illustrative Mathematics 6-8 Math (2020)
- Open Up Resources 6-8 Math (2017)
- Zearn (2018)
Our team
51+ facilitators/coaches
51-75% are non-white
Where we work
We have worked here
We are also willing to work here
Types of districts that we have experience working with
- Traditional District
- Charter
- Private
- Parochial
- Urban
- Rural
- Suburban
- Fewer than 2,500 students
- 2,500 to 10,000 students
- 10,000 to 50,000 students
- 50,000 to 100,000 students
- More than 100,000 students
- Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
- Greater than 20% of English language learners
- Greater than 20% of students with disability
- Greater than 80% students of color
This partner's approach and services
How we build district capacity
How we provide curriculum-aligned PL
Teaching Lab partners with instructional leaders to design and deliver in-person, virtual, and/or hybrid workshops. Workshop topics are developed collaboratively with instructional leaders and may include unpacking HQIM, learning evidence-based practices, unit/lesson unpacking, implementation of HQIM, modeling how to teach HQIM, practicing to teach, and/or analyzing data.
Teaching Lab provides both direct-to-teacher coaching services and capacity-building for instructional coaches, or “coaching the coaches.” Coaches engage teachers in observation and feedback cycles grounded in HQIM. Support for school or district instructional coaches includes learning evidence-based coaching practices and support to engage in observation and feedback cycles.
Teaching Lab customizes PLC support to LEA assets and needs. PLC support may include: lesson and unit unpacking and internalization, engaging in Cycles of Inquiry, data analysis, teacher leadership development, and/or support for student learning acceleration.
Teaching Lab provides in-person or virtual consultation for instructional leaders to envision, design, and manage effective professional learning systems. This includes project management, visioning and strategy support, executive coaching, building local capacity, and ensuring all educators have access to high-quality professional learning that improves teacher practice and student learning.